Thursday, August 12, 2010

Overwhelming but not discouraging.

My boss today told me, that if I wanted to buy the bakery from him, he would let me. I would just need to get someone to invest in me. So yeah, that would be easy. Just find someone rich, to invest in a 24 year old with bad credit and no business experience. Piece of cake, right? Right.....

But he did give me a good idea. Buying a shop from someone else. Instead of starting from scratch in a new building or turning something else into a bakery. Just buy a bakery already, and flip it my way. Cheaper right? Maybe. Depends on the cost of the bakery I am buying and the huge hassle that may be. Though he said he put 300 grand into the start up of his place. So I think it just might be a better idea to buy a business and turn it into mine. Doesn't even have to be a bakery, just a food establishment with most of the equipment already in it.  Definitely going to have to look into that more.

In the meantime, I got online and looked into how much a domestic kitchen(baking from home and selling online) would cost to do. Its 152$ just for the license fee. Then I would have to buy separate storage units for the food I would be using just for the business. Not to mention supplies for baking, packaging, advertising, and running the website. I would have to have an inspector come at least twice to approve of the kitchen. So its slightly overwhelming but I knew it would be. Its just a matter of saving and building up to it. I wish that I could start right away, but that's always me, always gotta rush things. With this though, its nice to not have the option to rush. Just make sure I do it right.

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